Monday, July 13, 2009

July 13, 2009

I guess I couldn't think of much to write so coming up with a title to today's blog seemed an impossible task. I am tired and wore out today. I feel stressed, whether that be from 3 smal loud children, a grumpy husband, school money being slow, or my worship leader's impending departure.... Who knows. I just know, I feel stressed. Tense. Tired. Wore....

Love ya always,

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Oh how I hate being sick. And I am not talking about the run of the mill icky feeling or a headache. I mean puking my guts out, feeling death approaching kinda sick. That was me yesterday. I suppose it was something I ate, though I hate to think that because I ate at my all time favorite restuarant Ruby Tuesday's. But that is what came up. so although I love the place I do not feel the pull to return any time soon. Ugh! I hate being sick! Besides the fact that once again I have broken all the blood vessels in my face from vomitting. Why did I inherit this lovely thing from my mother. Anytime I vomit I suddenly become covered in purplish red freckels all over my face in neck. And I mean COVERED ALL OVER MY FACE AND NECK. It would be easier to paint my face purple than to cover it up. Fun!