Saturday, April 23, 2011

Nursing in Public

Still trying to get my guts with this one.  Tonight I nursed at Applebee's.  I used my Moby wrap.  I took Elise into the bathroom first and there we got all in position.  I used the mirror to help get everything situated and make sure we were covered.  Then I went back to the table.  She did great!  I still have trouble  getting over nursing in public mentally. It's a struggle to not worry about what others will think.  I always feel like everyone is looking at me and I know that is crazy and that most people probably wouldn't notice even if I didn't use the wrap.  LOL  But I am still getting braver.  I would say that this is step on to being a more confident NIP momma!


  1. Yay!! Good job! It gets easier the more you do it!

  2. I think that if someone has a problem with you nursing in public, that is their problem, not yours! Elise needs to eat and if they think you should go somewhere else so she can, maybe they should be the ones to go somewhere else. So pull that boob out and latch her on! <3
