Thursday, January 20, 2011

New Year means control!

Reworking my life.  I'm taking it back.  My life is busy.  When you have 4 children aged 4 and under there is no way you are not busy.  Not to mention breastfeeding every 1-3 hours definitely puts a damper of spending any time on yourself.  But I am determined.  I need me time.  To be sane I need me time.

I also need man time.  And yes i mean my man, Paul.  I need time alone with him.  Time when we actually look at each other's faces and talk.  Not text, not web chat, not scream over loud children.  But literally time to just quietly talk and see each others eyes.  I need hugs and kisses and to feel loved.  February 14th will mark 13 years of love.  After 13 years of being together and nearly 12 years of marriage you really have to remember to still do the little things.  Simple things like kiss each other goodbye and hello, or writing little notes to each other.  Remembering what is important or what was fun.  We have to remember that in 25 years all these kids will most likely be out of the house and we will be left with each other.  So our relationship is the most important.

I need to rework my home.  Things need to be put back into order.  I feel like I've lost control of my home.  Organization is gone, Mess is everywhere.  Our meals feel rushed and not a family event to enjoy.  This needs to change.  Which is hard because our house is very small and we do not have a dining area. But it has to change.  Everything needs to be clean an put back in a specific place.  And time with family doing nothing needs to be enforced.  Not just tasks and places we have to be.  Between homeschooling, taekwondo, dance, and soon to be girl scouts we have to figure out some free fun time!

My body.... has been lost and I neeeeeeeeed to find it again!  I am going to open my self and bare my sole and weight loss experience here in my blogging.  Because I need someone to hold me accountable.  Even if it is myself.  LOL I need to find the time to just burn off my frustration and stresses.  I was fully addicted to exercise before I got pregnant with Elise.  Now it's time to for an exercise addiction to replace a lazy butt/food addiction.  LOL

So Happy New Year and LaRae, welcome to your new life, take it back!

Mood:  tired

Weight:  ....sigh....210.0 lbs.  (Not my heaviest, not my lightest.  3 pounds less than pre-pregnancy, so not that horrid of a starting place.)

Consumption:  Not good, lots of junk.  Breakfast went well with Kashi Berry Crumble and whole wheat toast.  Lunch was whole wheat bread and Beefaroni.  Then I went stupid and ate some chips, dip, and chocolate.  I also had a banana and an apple.  I am hungry right now, but am trying to decide if it is hunger because I am trying to not eat the whole cupboard, or if I am actually hungry.

Until next time....


  1. Girl - I'm so there. (Minus the 4 kids under 4...I just have 1 that's 4, and it's still INSANELY busy!) Balance is something that I believe God wants us to learn and find (and relear and refind when we lose it). Business and not giving ourselves "me time" is one of the ways the Devil will scootch his way in and make himself comfy. I do NOT want to be a place where he comes and chills, so fagettaboutit...I'm in this, too.

    So many things to talk to you about. Let's chat know my numbers.

  2. LaRae,
    Good for you to bare your soul in such a way! I can relate to some of the same issues you shared. I do home daycare, and often feel like I just need an adult...ANY adult some talk to, but my husband is usually the one that I need the most in that way. It's so easy to get caught up in the day to day stuff, and before we know it things start feeling really out of control. I also am struggling with my body. I need to start making some big changes. I admire your attitude and the way you are dealing with it! Good luck to you and this start of your new year!

