Monday, January 31, 2011

Still going down

Well the good news is the weight is still going down.  The bad news is that I am not trying.  Which sounds good at first.  But how much could I be losing if I was working hard at it?

Weight 205.6

My previous weight was 207.6  that was 10 days ago.  I plan starting tomorrow to start working out seriously at least 3 times a week.  I need to keep my food consumption in check as well.  I have been eating like crazy.  You would think I was starving.  I need to be more aware about what is going into my body and care about it!

Until next time...


  1. Don't know if you have time to track every single thing you put into your mouth, but if you need a program to help you keep it in check, check out I lost 9.4lbs in the month of January just by tracking my calories, fat, sodium & sugar intake on that website. They have apps for your smartphone too, so you can track on the go. It does take about 5-10 minutes a couple of times a day to log everything though, so when you're a busy mom, it might be more of a burden than a tool to help!

    Keep up the good work!

  2. thanks I'm checking it out. :)
